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Australian Veterinary Association member benefits

We are proud to be your gold finance partner.

At BOQ Specialist, being a member of the AVA has its rewards. For over 30 years, vets have been putting their trust in BOQ Specialist. Over time we have developed a comprehensive connection to and understanding of the veterinary business. What’s more, we realise the importance of making the right financial decisions during your veterinarian career to secure the best possible future. Whether you require personal financial solutions or business solutions for your veterinary practice, we work with you to tailor our unique products and services to meet your specific needs. 

As an AVA member, you’re entitled to some great benefits including:

  • No annual fee on our Platinum card for the first three years (saving $150 p.a.)
  • Reduced annual fee of $250 on our Signature card for the first three years (saving $150 p.a.)
  • Reduced application fee on asset finance such as car, equipment or practice fit-out (saving $200)
  • Annual BOQ Specialist banking package fee of $495 waived for the first year.^



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Current offers for AVA members

  • Credit cards

    Our credit cards give you all the benefits of a globally accepted card with a range of excellent rewards. Earn Qantas Frequent Flyer Points on eligible everyday spend.

    Exclusive benefits to AVA members:

    • No annual fee on our Platinum card for the first three years (saving $150 p.a.)
    • Reduced annual fee of $250 on our Signature card for the first three years (saving $150 p.a.)

    Apply now


    • If you've graduated in the past three years, you could recieve $100 cash back towards AVA membership fees with our Platinum card*

    Apply now

  • Home loans

    You’ll have access to fixed or variable rates available with competitive pricing. Enjoy an optional offset transactional account available on variable home loans to help minimise your interest payments.

    Exclusive benefit to AVA members:

    • First year banking package fee ($495) waived^


    Enquire now


  • Car loans

    Our personalised service and exclusive vehicle finance offers are designed to get AVA members on the road sooner.

    Exclusive benefit to AVA members:

    • A reduced application fee of $295 (saving of $200)


    Enquire now

  • Equipment and asset finance

    We are pleased to offer AVA members tailored lease payments and the option to finance a wide range of asset types. AVA members can choose from low start, upfront or stepped payment options when considering finance options for practice assets such as x-ray machines, computers, or vehicles.

    Exclusive benefit to AVA members:

    • A reduced application fee of $295 (saving of $200)


    Enquire now



Find out how we have helped vets achieve their goals:

  • Important Information
      Australian Veterinary Association Member Benefits | BOQ Specialist

      The issuer and credit provider of these products and services is BOQ Specialist. Terms and conditions, fees and charges and lending and eligibility criteria apply. You should obtain and consider the product terms and conditions before making any decision about whether to acquire the products. We reserve the right to cease offering these products at any time without notice.

      For target market determinations please click here.

      ^ applicable only for loans above $300 000 

      * To be eligible for the $100 Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) membership cash back offer, you must be a recent graduate (defined as 1 – 3 years post graduation) of a veterinary degree at a recognised Australian University, apply for a new BOQ Specialist Platinum Visa credit card by 31 December 2022, be approved, purchase your AVA membership on the card and make 4 eligible transactions using your card within 90 days from card settlement date. Eligible transactions include the purchase of goods or services from merchants accepting a BOQ Specialist Credit Card (including GST) or a transaction deemed by BOQ Specialist to be an eligible transaction. The cash back will be credited to the primary card holder's account within two months of the fourth eligible transaction being made. The cash back credit will only be applied once per account and does not contribute to your monthly minimum repayment. This offer is subject to change without notice at the discretion of BOQ Specialist, is non-transferrable and can't be used in conjunction with any other promotions or offers. By signing up for this offer, you consent to BOQ Specialist sharing your personal information with the AVA to confirm your membership.