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The One Account features:

  • Earn a savings rate of interest on your everyday account balance
  • Easily access your funds using your Visa debit card, via online banking and our mobile app including BPAY® and Pay Anyone functionality
  • Optional overdraft with an unsecured line of credit.  You only pay interest on what you use not on the entire credit limit, and you don’t have to use your property as security
  • Access to the BOQ branch network for depositing cheques and cash, and the ability to make electronic transfers online using your account number and BSB
  • Savings up to $250 000 are covered by the Government's Deposit Guarantee
  • Free ATM withdrawals at all BOQ branded ATMs


What is an optional overdraft?

The optional overdraft facility enables you to manage your cash flow, particularly when paying for practice expenses. It can give you an unsecured line of credit and you don’t have to use your personal property as security. You only pay interest on what you use, not on the entire credit limit.

Overdraft features:

  • Access to additional money to use as and when you need it. Additional funds can be accessed like you normally would – by withdrawing cash at ATMs and making purchases using your BOQ Specialist debit card. You can also continue to transfer from your account through internet banking and the BOQ Specialist mobile banking app.
  • Only pay interest on what you use, not the entire amount. No set repayments, you only pay interest on the funds you have used, there are no charges on any credit you don’t use.


Savings and term deposit interest rates

If you are deciding on opening a new savings or term deposit account, you need to know the current interest rates.

View interest rates

Want to know more?

  1300 160 160

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Government Deposit Guarantee

Bank with peace of mind. Under the Financial Claims Scheme (FCS), certain deposits are protected up to a limit of $250 000 for each account holder at any bank, building society, credit union or other authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI) .

Learn more


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  • Important Information

      Any information is of a general nature only. We have not taken into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs when preparing it. Before acting on this information you should consider if it is appropriate for your situation. BOQ Specialist is not offering financial, tax or legal advice. You should obtain independent financial, tax and legal advice as appropriate.

      The issuer of these products and services is BOQ Specialist. Terms and conditions, fees and charges and lending and eligibility criteria apply. You should obtain and consider the product terms and conditions before making any decision about whether to acquire the products. We reserve the right to cease offering these products at any time without notice.

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