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Credit Card Complimentary Insurance Terms and Conditions FAQs

Helping you understand some frequent coverage queries

Eligibility for Cover under the Policy

  • How do I qualify for cover?

    For Travel Insurance Cover:

    • you must be 79 or younger when paying for the travel booking; and
    • you are not travelling for more than 90 consecutive days; and
    • you must start and end your trip in Australia; and
    • all travellers must be Australian residents; and
    • you are going on 
      • an overseas return trip and pay the full amount of the return flight or cruise for each covered person;
      • a domestic return trip to a destination that is more than 150 km from your home with a minimum 1 night overnight stay and:
        • spend $500 or more on accommodation; or 
        • pay the full amount of the return flight or cruise for each covered person; 

    by charging the payment before the trip departure date to your BOQ Specialist Card and/or use Qantas Points or Velocity Frequent Flyer Points earned on your BOQ Specialist Card.

    For Rental Vehicle Excess Cover:

    • you must be 21 years or older and under 80 years of age when you hire a rental vehicle for less than 30 days;
    • you must be the nominated driver under the rental agreement and have a valid international driving licence; and
    • you must be an Australian resident; and
    • you must have paid for the entire cost of the rental vehicle including the comprehensive insurance on the rental vehicle using your BOQ Specialist Card and/or  Qantas Points or Velocity Frequent Flyer Points earned on your BOQ Specialist Card.


    For Card Purchase Cover and Buyers Advantage Cover:

    • you must be an Australian resident; and
    • purchase a new  item (not used in any way) from a retailer for personal use using your BOQ Specialist Card. 
  • Who is covered under the policy?

    BOQ Specialist Card Members and Additional Card Members – including their spouse and dependent children.

  • Does the Card Member need to be on the trip for their spouse or dependent children to be covered?

    Yes, the spouse and/or dependent children need to be travelling with the Card Member or Additional Card Member on each part of the trip.

  • Will I be covered if my trip starts or ends outside of Australia?

    No. Your trip must begin and end in Australia.

  • Is there a maximum age on the policy?

    For Travel Insurance cover you must be 79 years of age or younger when paying for the relevant travel booking.

    For Rental Vehicle Excess cover, you must be 21 years of age or older and under 80 years of age when you hire and pay for the relevant rental vehicle 

  • Is there a maximum trip duration for the travel insurance?

    Yes. The maximum trip duration is 90 consecutive days 


Pre-existing Medical Conditions

  • Are Pre-Existing Medical Conditions covered?

    This policy does not cover any pre-existing medical conditions. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, this cover may not be right for you. Before you meet the eligibility criteria, you should consider whether a medical condition is considered pre-existing based on the definition of ‘Pre-Existing Medical Condition’ in the Terms and Conditions.

Overseas Medical Emergency Expenses Cover

Trip Cancellation and Amendment Cover

Trip Delay Cover

  • What happens if my luggage is delayed when checked-in on a flight?

    If your luggage is delayed for 12 hours or more, we will reimburse essential emergency clothing and toiletry expenses incurred (as required for a 24-hour period), up to the benefit amount under ‘Delay of Personal Baggage checked-in on Scheduled Flight’.  If your luggage is delayed for more than 36 hours, you may be eligible to claim for the additional benefit amount under ‘Extended Delay of Personal Baggage checked-in on Scheduled Flight’. 

Other questions

  • Is pregnancy covered under the policy?

    The policy provides limited pregnancy cover up to the 23rd week of your pregnancy under the following sections of the policy:

    1. Overseas medical emergency expenses cover - If you have a sudden and unexpected pregnancy related injury or illness
    2. Trip cancellation and amendment cover - If you have a sudden and unexpected injury or illness arising from your pregnancy that a doctor confirms will prevent you from commencing or continuing the trip.

    There is no cover for costs associated with childbirth or the health of a newborn child, or for claims arising from any pre-existing medical condition (including any medical condition related to a previous pregnancy or if you have experienced pregnancy complications prior to purchasing the policy).

  • If my flight is delayed, am I covered?

    Yes. If your flight is delayed for 6 hours or more, we will reimburse additional accommodation expenses (up to the benefit amount under ‘Delayed, cancelled, overbooked or missed onward flight’). If your flight is delayed for more than 30 hours, the limit is increased up to the benefit amount under ’Extended Delayed, cancelled, overbooked or missed onward flight’. 

  • What is Chubb Assistance? How does it work?

    Chubb Assistance is an emergency assistance service. Support is available for emergency advice and assistance services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for medical or other emergencies while on your overseas trip and which are covered by the policy.

    In the event of a medical or similar emergency, simply call our emergency response team on +61 2 8907 5642 to get immediate assistance and help accessing vital services in your local area where covered by the policy.

  • How do I make a claim under the policy?

    You can submit your claim online at www.chubbclaims.com.au

  • Further questions?

    Please contact Chubb on 1300 170 180 or email us on boqspecialistenquiries.AU@chubb.com  for any questions you may have.

Want to know more?

  1300 160 160

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  • Important Information

      Any information is of a general nature only. We have not taken into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs when preparing it. Before acting on this information you should consider if it is appropriate for your situation. BOQ Specialist is not offering financial, tax or legal advice. You should obtain independent financial, tax and legal advice as appropriate.

      The frequently asked questions (FAQ) have been prepared to address some frequent coverage queries relating to the BOQ Specialist Credit Card Complimentary Insurance Terms and Conditions.

      The FAQs are a summary only, they are not an exhaustive list of the coverage, terms, conditions or exclusions in the Policy. Limits apply and vary with each plan. Please refer to the Terms & Conditions for further information on the terms, conditions and exclusions of the policy.