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Dr Anna Stevens - Second-time lucky

For Perth dentist Dr Anna Stevens, embarking on her second practice purchase during COVID sounds much harder than it actually was.

  4 minutes


For Dr Anna Stevens, a dentist who graduated 15 years ago from Adelaide University, starting a greenfields dental clinic in the southern suburbs of Perth had not been on her agenda. Dr Stevens, her husband Scott, and young family of three children had always enjoyed travelling in their free time, however the interruptions of COVID-19 over the last two years, coupled with the sudden opportunity to purchase a recently-vacated travel agency in Alfred Cove, presented her with the exciting chance to develop her dream clinic.

After taking a hiatus from full-time dentistry to study and focus on her young family, Dr Stevens had not anticipated that starting a new dental practice would be her next move. However when the opportunity presented itself in the form a stand-alone building close enough to home to facilitate an easy work/life balance, it was too good to pass up.

The house, located on the main road in the tightly held area of Alfred Cove, has quite a history. It was originally owned by a patient's grandmother. As she would sit in the clinic's waiting room, she could even point out where her grandmother's piano used to be. It had never been used as a dental practice and as such needed to be completely fitted out; enabling Dr Stevens to create her perfect clinic from the ground up.

The perfect clinic 

“Choosing colour schemes and furnishings was a great experience,” says Dr Stevens. “We originally set out to choose arctic-themed décor to match the name—Polar Dental. But that proved difficult to find, so in the end we went with an Australian bush theme'.

It has proved to be a success with patients who have commented favourably on the modern new fit-out, with the TVs mounted on the ceiling above the dental chairs being particularly popular.

Starting from scratch has enabled Dr Stevens to fit-out the practice with cutting-edge dental technology, including digital scanning and imaging, and high-end dental equipment.

“Over the past few years I have spent some of my time studying and now have a Master’s degree in pain management,” says Dr Stevens. “I was able to enhance my knowledge of traditional dentistry through my studies in pain management and dental sleep medicine. This was one of the reasons why I wanted to start my own clinic, with all the diagnostic tools necessary, to implement my knowledge to help my patients.”

There is a spare room plumbed and equipped for another dentist. However, for the moment, Dr Stevens’ husband Scott utilises the room for his consulting business—while occasionally taking time out to answer phones and book in patients as well.

Finding the balance

 Working and living amongst the local community in Alfred Cove has given Dr Stevens the opportunity to get involved with local sporting club sponsorships and school work experience programs.

As Dr Stevens had previously done a lot of volunteer work at her children’s schools, she has ended up with a wide referral network of patients for her family clinic, and busy books only a year after opening. With all her children now in school full time, she has also been able to integrate work and family life, dropping them off for school and finishing work in time for pick-up two days a week.

Dr Stevens had initially banked with Michael LeSouef at his previous bank and followed him to BOQ Specialist, as he had made previous funding application processes seamless and simple. When a property became available in a competitive market, Dr Stevens says, “It was important to have the support of Michael to secure finance in a timely manner.” She values Michael as someone who understands the challenges and pressures of starting a business, as well as ensuring a balanced family life. 


Thinking about starting or growing your dental practice? BOQ Specialist provides tailored dental finance solutions for setting up a practice.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us to find out how we can tailor a practice finance solution for you, or call us on 1300 160 160.

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