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BOQ Specialist and ADA NSW bursary recipients revealed

Sydney, 21 October 2020

Two recent graduates have earned vital financial support and access to world-class teaching to further develop their early dentistry career.

Dr Amy Calvin is the recipient of this year’s Australian Dental Association NSW (ADA NSW) and BOQ Specialist Recent Graduate Bursary, which supports the career growth and development of a young dentist.

Dr Calvin has been awarded $5000 to spend on career development training within ADA NSW’s Centre for Professional Development (CPD), based at the organisation’s cutting edge facilities at St Leonards on Sydney’s North Shore.

“I am delighted and honoured to receive this year’s Bursary,” Dr Calvin, from Orange in the NSW Central West, said. “It will help me increase my skills and knowledge and provide a great boost to my career in dentistry.

“I am consistently working towards being a strong and efficient clinician and my aim is to change community perspectives of dentistry. This award will help me achieve those goals.

“I thank BOQ Specialist and ADA NSW for choosing me for the Bursary and would definitely encourage all eligible recent graduates to apply for next year’s award.”

Dr Calvin, who works at Orange Family Dental clinic and graduated from Charles Sturt University in 2017, was selected from several other applicants for this year’s Bursary.

For the first time since the Bursary’s launch in 2018, a runners-up grant was also available this year. Dr Denise Hsueh, who works at Simply Dental Chatswood in Sydney, has received $2500 towards career development training within the CPD.

“Attending CPD courses has increased my confidence in technical skills, diagnosis and treatment planning ability and communication skills with patients,” Dr Hsueh said.  “My number one goal as a dentist is to provide the best possible care to my patients and this award will help with that.”

ADA NSW President Dr Kathleen Matthews said both recipients should be proud of their achievements.

“ADA NSW CPD is the leading provider of professional development activities for dentists and their teams in Australia,” Dr Matthews said.  “Our expert personnel and commitment to quality contribute to its reputation as the number one dental CPD education provider in the country.

“BOQ Specialist has been a greatly appreciated industry partner and supporter of ADA NSW. We are very grateful for their support for the Bursary.

“Both Amy and Denise hugely impressed us with their commitment and dedication to their chosen careers. They are both dentists with an eye on the future and will be an asset to our profession and their communities as their skills develop I wish them both every success for the future.”

“We are proud to partner once again with the ADA NSW to recognise two outstanding recipients in Dr Calvin and Dr Hsueh,” BOQ Specialist CEO Hugh Lander said. “The Bursary not only marks the strength of our partnership, but our organisations’ commitment to supporting the next generation of dentists."

“Having worked closely with dentists for over 30 years, we understand their career trajectory and the importance of training and upskilling in these formative years. We congratulate both Dr Calvin and Dr Hsueh for their unwavering commitment to quality learning, and their genuine passion for the dental profession and the communities which they serve."

“Dr Calvin and Dr Hsueh’s focus on both their professional and personal development in order to deliver the highest level of care to their patients is admirable, and a great example to other young dentists.”

Further media enquiries, please contact:

BOQ Specialist                                                                                                        
Laura Travis
Marketing and Communications Manager
t: 0409 826 624
e: laura.travis@boqspecialist.com.au

Stuart Turner
ADA NSW Media Advisor
t: 0451 002 466
e: stuart.turner@adansw.com.au

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