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Inclusive and accessible banking

Inclusive and accessible banking

As subscribers to the Banking Code of Practice, we are committed to providing banking services which are inclusive of all people. This means that we aim to make sure that all our products and services are accessible and easily understood. Please call us on 1300 160 160 to find out how we can make your finance and banking easy.

If you’re deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech impairment

You can reach us through the National Relay Service. To contact them:

  • Telephone Typewriter (TTY), call 133 677
  • Speak and Listen (Voice Relay), call 1300 555 727
  • NRS Chat (Internet Relay), connect to the NRS website or app.

When you get through, ask to be connected to our Client Services Centre on 1300 160 160. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


If English isn’t your first language

If you have limited English and would prefer to speak to us in another language, call us on 1300 160 160 so we can arrange an interpreter to help you. The interpreter services are free of charge. 

Interpreter services

Read about our interpreter services in your preferred language.

  • 如果您希望用普通话和我们交流,您拨打我们电话 1300 160 160 时我们可以为您安排翻译。
  • Nếu quý vị muốn nói chuyện với chúng tôi bằng tiếng Việt, chúng tôi có thể thu xếp thông dịch viên để giúp đỡ khi quý vị gọi điện cho chúng tôi theo số 1300 160 160
  • إذا كنت تفضّل التحدّث إلينا باللغة العربية فيمكننا التنسيق مع مترجم لمساعدتك عند الاتصال بنا
  •  على الرقم 160 160 1300
  • 고객이 한국어로 소통하기를 원하는 경우 1300 160 160 로 전화하시면, 전화 통역 서비스를 준비해 드릴 수 있습니다.
  • 如果您希望用粵語和我們溝通,我們可以安排一名口譯員在您致電 1300 160 160 聯絡我們時為您提供幫助。


If you have low vision

If you want to adjust you font size on our website, we recommend using the controls built in to your web browser, as they have a much larger zoom range.

Some tips on how to do this:

  • For Internet Explorer or Opera web browser (Windows): You can use the zoom functionality to increase the size of all elements on the screen. Locate the Zoom icon in your toolbar or bottom status bar to change the zoom level.
  • For Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox (Windows): Hold down Ctrl key and press ++ to enlarge or -- to reduce, or hold down Ctrl key and scroll with your mouse wheel.
  • Important Information

      Any information is of a general nature only. We have not taken into account your objectives, financial situation, or needs when preparing it. Before acting on this information you should consider if it is appropriate for your situation. BOQ Specialist is not offering financial, tax or legal advice. You should obtain independent financial, tax and legal advice as appropriate.