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The Future Series: what will the Sydney of the future look like

What's to come for our city and its outer regions? 

We'll be taking a detailed look into each city, local government area (LGA), and draw on patient demographics and other key factors such as the future of the health industry, particularly primary health and health workforce issues.

This series of articles is brought to you in collaboration with Health Project Services, with a view to help you future proof your business.



Article One - Sydney: A Tale of Three Cities

An overview of the NSW government growth plans for Sydney

When researching locations for your practice, there are many factors that may influence your decision.  And we know that even just a glimpse into the - who, what, where, when and why of Sydney’s population and their health needs, would make this process much easier.  This article aims to arm you with the right information to ensure you have exactly what you need to take the next step in finding the ideal practice location for you.


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Article Two - Taking Sydney's Pulse: The Western City District

Following the advice given to pioneers of days gone past to "Go West" may well secure your future.

Our next piece focuses in on an individual location - the Western City District - which comprises the LGAs of Blue Mountains, Hawkesbury, Penrith, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Liverpool and Wollondilly.

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Article Three - NSW Regional Area - Illawarra/Shoalhaven

Plans from the NSW government look to be opening more opportunities for practitioners to join a more permanent migration south.

Our focus in this piece moves to regional NSW. We look at the future growth plans for the area, including population, major projects and infrastructure (both under construction and planned).

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Article Four - The Central City District: Sydney's Health and Education Hub

The area surrounding Parramatta is fast becoming the health, education and transport hub of our grwoing 'Metropolis of three cities.'

Our focus will move in this piece to the Central City District of Sydney's future. We'll look at the future growth plans for area, including population, major projects and infrastructure (both under construction and planned). 


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Article Five - The Central West and Orana: Driving Economic Diversity

This area is set to be a diverse regional economy with vibrant communities which are well connected to the wider world. 

Our focus will move in this piece to another regional location. We'll look at the future growth plans for area, including population, major projects and infrastructure (both under construction and planned). 


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Article Six - Newcastle Metro: A leader in the New Economy

As the second largest city in NSW, the Greater Newcastle Metropolitan area is set to become the first regional city metropolis in Australia. Through collaboration of five local governments using 11 defined catalyst areas, each will play a key role in bringing the city’s vision to life. 

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Article Seven - Central Coast, NSW: Rejuvenation for Healthy Growth

The Central Coast of NSW plans to sustain a healthy natural environment, develop a flourishing local economy and build well-connected communities. For medical professionals, two key growth corridors centred around health precincts provide significant opportunities, particularly within aged care.


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Article Eight - Hunter Region NSW: Australia's leading regional economy 

The Hunter will form Australia’s largest regional economy over the next 20 years with Newcastle at its heart. For medical, dental and veterinary professionals, a transformation of the region will result in population growth and an increased need for healthcare services. 


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Article Nine - Parramatta North NSW: Part of Greater Sydney’s geographic centre

As the geographic centre of Greater Sydney, Parramatta is undergoing a vast transformation to be one of Greater Sydney’s three major sub-cities. Through the revitalisation of the area’s infrastructure, accommodation and retail precincts; Parramatta North will be an attractive location to live and work, and only 30 minutes by train to the heart of Sydney city.


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